
(Do you have a question or comment? You can reach us by using our online contact form.)


(Before contacting us, check out the list of the most frequently asked questions here.)

■ご意見・お問合せ(Your message)

Please be specific.(name of the theatre, performance date, etc.)

お名前、ご連絡先(E-Mail アドレス)を入力してください(任意)。

(If you don't mind, please provide us with your name and e-mail address.)

■お名前(Your name)
■E-Mail(Your email)
■E-Mail  再入力(Confirm your email address)

※ご入力いただきました個人情報は適切に管理し、連絡先等は、ご意見・お問合せ内容の確認などの目的のみに利用します。第三者に供与することはありません。プライバシーポリシーについては、こちらをご覧ください。(*Your personal information will be strictly managed and contact information will only be used to respond to your questions or comments. We shall not provide it to a third party. You can view our privacy policy here.)